As a local business, Plumber, Electrician, Home Maintenance or whatever – what do you charge. You all have valuable skills.
Small business website design is valuable skill that can make a make a small business a lot of money. So what should you pay for your website? You will have noticed cheap website designs – under $1000, some for $600, but what do you get?
Will a cheap website provide a high google rankings, be easily found, attract customers looking for a quality job in their home? At $60 per hour, a $600, cheap website will be given no more than 8-10 hours of work – 4-5 hours if the web developer is charging more than $130.
To produce good website design, you need the following:
- Your website designer need to have a good look at your business and type of services or products you provide.
- Next is proper keyword research to find the type of search you customers will use when they are looking for you.
- Its good to run over your competitor website, to make sure yours is better.
- Logo and graphic design to suite your business, for each page in your new website.
- Technical stuff, like a website name – your internet address and hosting.
- You will want your website to be running on quality computers with a stable and reliable content management system, like WordPress – used by 32% of all websites word wide with a 59% market share. Jooma the number 2 CMS has 6% market share.
- Next come building your website. Depending on how complex this should all take about 10 days.
- You need access to prompt service when things go wrong and quick updates then your products change or you acquire new skills. All the website software needs regular maintenance so its all using the most up to date versions. If this isn’t done you could get infected.
So do you want a cheap website, wouldn’t an affordable website be a better option? Because I’m new to business, I’m offering a 50% discount for the next 2 customers to get some traction. This doesn’t mean any cuts in service or quality. In exchange, I would like to advertise your new website on AndlynWEB.com.
Ring Andy on 0452 260 051 for a free assessment of your needs. I will provide a fixed price quote for design, build and optionally maintenance.