Update – we missed out this year. Perhaps if we had an additional 20-30 votes we may have succeeded. Better luck in the next 2019 round.
The Ocean Grove Business Association has requested funding for our local Christmas in the Grove night in December to help with setup of bands and hire of the stuff needed. If you live in Ocean Grove or The Bellarine, please vote for our project by visiting this site: https://pickmyproject.vic.gov.au/rounds/pick-my-project/ideas and voting would be great. I’m thinking the money is given the the projects with the most votes.

You will have to create a login, then get to the voting area. It seems you need to vote for 3. So Vote for Christmas in the Grove 3rd so it is the first on the list.
If your a local business in Grove, the Ocean Grove Business Association is worth joining. Membership only costs $110/annum. The money goes to local projects like the free WiFi and a defibrilator in the main street. http://www.oceangrovebusiness.com.au/